be free, release stress, be happy, be of service, love
SJAF Home --- Emotional Freedom Service (EFS) Home On this page: About the EFS & How to Apply --- LEAFLET on EFS Malti & English --- Niżżel Ktejjeb bil-Malti --- Visit the Alive.Now page --- The Wholeness Group --- Workshope Għall-Għaqda jew Kumpanija Tiegħek On Other EFS Pages: --- AIMS of EFS & Comments form Service Users --- ALIVE.NOW page: Message and Practices for becoming more whole --- EFS Self-Help Materials: --- How to Forgive --- How to Overcome Your Life-Traps --- Love-Circulation Method --- Welcome Method --- Inħeles Minn Ġewwa --- FREE TRAINING: For individuals, groups, staff-teams, people-practitioners --- in-person or online --- De-STRESSand Relax to become more free
CONTACT US. The EFS Contact-Us form is further down this page.
Are you carrying a heavy emotional load? Do you have strong distressing emotions or hurts that you don't wish to have? Want to feel more fully alive? Try our one-to-one Emotional Freedom Service .
About the Emotional Freedom Service & How to Apply
The Emotional Freedom Service is a one-to-one talk-therapy experience to help you rapidly release strong or long-standing emotional distress and become a stronger, more free, and happier person. The Service is delivered by an accredited, certified, registered advanced practitioner in emotional freedom methods.
Your distress may be emotional blockages, even those that have been with you for years, such as deep anger, anxiety, bad memories, feelings that you are worthless, fear, or certain phobias (unrealistic fears), emotional hurt, the burden of bad childhood experiences on you as an adult, and so on. We can also help you to forgive, if you feel that you want to but cannot. Sessions are 2 hours long including quiet relaxation time. Most individuals need between 2 and 4 sessions.
Persons of any faith or none are welcome to use this service, free of charge, if they are emotionally distressed and really wish to do something to release their distress, but do not have mental illness or personality disorders. The rate of success is very high for such persons. This work uses gentle methods of mindful relaxation followed by transmitting of acceptance towards oneself. It is suitable for you even if you are unwilling to go into detail of some past event because you are afraid of being hurt again.
How to apply: Download and read the EFS Leaflet. Phone Tony on 7932 6725 during office hours, or send SMS, or email [email protected].
HAVE MENTAL ILLNESS? Please do not apply for our Emotional Freedom Service if you had psychotic episodes or if you have mental illness. For mental illness please phone 1770 (Mental Health Helpline) or 179 (Crisis phone, Agenzija Appogg) , or (phone help service - see Facebook), or consult your doctor, or consult a psychiatrist. For suicidal thoughts go immediately to Emergency at the main hospital Mater Dei .
Alive! A message for you on Emotional Health and Freedom! 'The Love-Circulation Method - A holistic self-help method for releasing Emotional Distress Self-Help Practices for becoming more whole. See or download practical materials from an EFS Workshop on "11 Essential Life-Practices for Becoming Whole". This practical experiential workshop can also be delivered free of charge to your organisation or any motivated group. Enquiries during office hours on 79326725
The Wholeness Group
The WHOLENESS GROUP - An email discussion group for seekers! The participants are persons who wish to become more whole on emotional; psychological and spiritual levels. They dialogue with each other in a group respectfully via email. They wish to move towards inner wisdom. - Enquiries: during office hours on 79326725 or email.
One group practices a contentless (apophatic) Christian meditation/contemplation called Centering Prayer, one evening a week online using Zoom. Non-denominational. - Enquiries: during office hours on 79326725 or email.
Workshops Għall-Għaqda jew Kumpanija Tiegħek
WORKSHOPS: (1) Prattiċi Għall-Ħajja; jew (2) Inħeles Minn Ġewwa għall-membri tal-grupp, għaqda, organizzazzjoni, jew kumpanija tiegħek. Jekk tridu Workshop prattiku skont il-bżonnijiet tagħkom, ikkuntattjawna fuq mob. 79326725 jew [email protected]. Dawn impenjattivi u parteċipattivi, mhumiex lectures, għalhekk huma għal persuni motivati biss.