(UN)SILENCED – an exhibition which the public can visit at APS Bank plc head office in Swatar.
(Un)silenced is an intimate exploration of the unsaid, the repressed and the unheard. It is a commentary on the lived experiences of those women whose identities have been eroded by narcissistic abuse and whose mental health has been ravaged by the toxic osmosis of being in the presence of a narcissist. Yet it is also a reflection on the healing power of art and writing, and their role in reclaiming muted voices. It is a celebration of self-determination, of solidarity and, ultimately, of liberation.
This project is the result of a partnership between St Jeanne Antide Foundation and APS Bank.
More information is available via the following link:
(Un)silenced is an intimate exploration of the unsaid, the repressed and the unheard. It is a commentary on the lived experiences of those women whose identities have been eroded by narcissistic abuse and whose mental health has been ravaged by the toxic osmosis of being in the presence of a narcissist. Yet it is also a reflection on the healing power of art and writing, and their role in reclaiming muted voices. It is a celebration of self-determination, of solidarity and, ultimately, of liberation.
This project is the result of a partnership between St Jeanne Antide Foundation and APS Bank.
More information is available via the following link:
STRUMMIN’ is a YCW Malta project which promotes young people's talents whilst working for a good cause. This project is in line with the YCW's mission to train young workers to give a meaning to their lives and to find responsible and just solutions to issues they face, at local, national and international levels. Throughout the nine years in which the concerts were held, the funds collected from the Strummin' concerts were donated to several NGOs such as Suret il-Bniedem Foundation, St Joseph Home, Puttinu Cares, Richmond Foundation, the Equal Partners Foundation and Dr Klown Malta.
Each year, the team of around 60 guitarists is composed of new members and others who have participated in past YCW Malta concerts. What unites all the guitarists is a love for music and a desire to do share their skill with others for the benefit of an NGO that supports families in difficulty. YCW Malta believes in the potential of every young person to make a difference. On the 9th or 10th October the 2015 edition of STRUMMIN’ – the annual concert of YCW Malta was held at the Sir Temi Żammit Hall of the University of Malta in Msida. |
OLDIES BUT GOLDIES spettaklu għall-familja kollha mżewwaq b’kant, mużika u diversi effetti oħrajn li żgur offra attrazzjoni differenti lil kull min attenda għalih. Matul is-serata ġew interpretati bosta suċċessi mużikali mis-snin ħamsin, sittin u sebgħin ta’ artisti leġġendarji bħal Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Connie Francis, Carl Perkins, Little Anthony, Dusty Springfield, Frank Sinatra, Little Anthony, Mina, Domenico Modugno, Tom Jones, Abba u oħrajn.
Fost il-protagonisti ħadu sehem f’dan l-ispettaklu kien hemm Dominic Cini, Ina Robinich, Antonello Persiano, Debbie Scerri, Neville Refalo, Alwyn Borg Myatt, Ivan Spiteri Lucas, Krista Spiteri Lucas, Rita Pace u Raquel Zammit. L-arranġamenti mużikali u d-direzzjoni mużikali kienu f’idejn il-mużiċst Mark Spiteri Lucas. |
‘A Tribute to Music Legends’ spettaklu ta’ music live bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ bosta artisti lokali akkumpanjati minn Spiteri Lucas Band li kien imtella nhar is-Sibt 25 ta' Marza 2017 fil-auditorium ta' l-iskola Immaculate Conception Ħal Tarxien.
Matul is-serata ġew interpretati bosta suċċessi mużikali ta’ artisti leġġendarji ABBA, The Beatles, Elvis, Madonna, Tom Jones, Adele, Robbie Williams, Guns n' Roses u bosta oħrajn. Fost il-protagonisti li ħadu sehem f’dan l-ispettaklu nsibu lil Neville Refalo, Ivan Spiteri Lucas, Olivia Lewis, Dario Mifsud Bonnici, Michela Galea, Kurt Anthony Cassar, Christina Magrin, Danica Muscat, Krista Spiteri Lucas, Laura Bruno, Layla u Raquel Zammit u kien ippreżentat minn Mireille Bonello. L-arranġamenti mużikali u d-direzzjoni mużikali kienu f’idejn il-mużiċst Mark Spiteri Lucas. |
Fundraising - Auction
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