Volunteering with the St Jeanne Antide Foundation
Volunteering is a key pillar of the Foundation’s family services operations. The Foundation encourages and nurtures volunteering within its range of service provision, in line with the Foundation’s objectives.
Volunteering is an opportunity for people to engage in meaningful activities beyond their personal and professional spheres. Irrespective of one’s age, volunteering has several impact outcomes:
- it draws a person, away from self-centredness, towards an understanding of, and compassion for others;
- it significantly enhances a person’s sense of well-being that is often not derived from other spheres of life;
- it injects meaning in an often materialistic lifestyle devoid of altruism;
- it provides an opportunity for forging new friendships;
- it makes it possible for social care organisations to create new, creative and effective ways of supporting vulnerable individuals and families;
- it creates the fabric of a robust welfare society;
- above all, it is a powerful way of living one’s faith and stimulating hope in lives that are bereft of kindness, respect, dignity, love and compassion.
A Volunteer is one who feels encouraged to aid in a program that makes sense within a group or agency. The volunteers at SJAF have a will to work on developing themselves spiritually and personally by the service they provide. They give the service to others, and to families in difficulty. They serve in one or more program administered by SJAF. To become a volunteer, and to continue working as a volunteer, means that you help us and others.
Volunteering is a grace that moves us to holiness. Some of the effects of voluntary work are:
- To become more happy
- Achieving comfort from it even in times of crisis
- Making lasting friends
- Achieving meaning in life that we cannot achieve through goods and money
- We become stronger and face life in a more positive attitude
- Help us move away from our selves and look at others' needs
- Help us to share what we have with others
- Help us learn about ourselves and our strengths and weaknesses
- We have an opportunity to reflect on life
- Empowers our values
- Help us love our neighbors
- Help us to live our faith alive.
More broadly, volunteering creates a society that cares for its members who are facing great challenges in life. It helps in creating a healthy society, less materialistic, less selfish, more altruistic. Voluntary organizations provide training for volunteers; therefore, volunteering is a way of a lifelong learning. Many researches agree that volunteering leaves positive effects on the health and the mental health of a human being and strengthens brain function in which it protects him/her.
Affiliations: Mental Health Association; Anti-Poverty Forum; SCOPE (Solidarity and cooperation); Malta Health Network.
- Live-In Leaders for disadvantaged and excluded young people
- Support Learning (one-to-one): support for children to do homework
- Mentoring for young people with mental illness and mild cognitive impairment (including outing because nobody agrees to go out with them)
- Management of the Foundation's Facebook page
- Escorting people in difficulty to government departments, hospital, etc.
- Transport (a family to visit a member in a residence; removal of furniture)
- Manual labor at poor families
- Translation from Maltese to English and vice versa
- Research
- Compilation of a directory of services
- Fundraising activities (we need funds to continue to offer free professional support to vulnerable families who face a number of difficulties)
Volunteering is a key pillar of the Foundation’s family services operations. The Foundation encourages and nurtures volunteering within its range of service provision, in line with the Foundation’s objectives.
Volunteering is an opportunity for people to engage in meaningful activities beyond their personal and professional spheres. Irrespective of one’s age, volunteering has several impact outcomes:
- it draws a person, away from self-centredness, towards an understanding of, and compassion for others;
- it significantly enhances a person’s sense of well-being that is often not derived from other spheres of life;
- it injects meaning in an often materialistic lifestyle devoid of altruism;
- it provides an opportunity for forging new friendships;
- it makes it possible for social care organisations to create new, creative and effective ways of supporting vulnerable individuals and families;
- it creates the fabric of a robust welfare society;
- above all, it is a powerful way of living one’s faith and stimulating hope in lives that are bereft of kindness, respect, dignity, love and compassion.
A Volunteer is one who feels encouraged to aid in a program that makes sense within a group or agency. The volunteers at SJAF have a will to work on developing themselves spiritually and personally by the service they provide. They give the service to others, and to families in difficulty. They serve in one or more program administered by SJAF. To become a volunteer, and to continue working as a volunteer, means that you help us and others.
Volunteering is a grace that moves us to holiness. Some of the effects of voluntary work are:
- To become more happy
- Achieving comfort from it even in times of crisis
- Making lasting friends
- Achieving meaning in life that we cannot achieve through goods and money
- We become stronger and face life in a more positive attitude
- Help us move away from our selves and look at others' needs
- Help us to share what we have with others
- Help us learn about ourselves and our strengths and weaknesses
- We have an opportunity to reflect on life
- Empowers our values
- Help us love our neighbors
- Help us to live our faith alive.
More broadly, volunteering creates a society that cares for its members who are facing great challenges in life. It helps in creating a healthy society, less materialistic, less selfish, more altruistic. Voluntary organizations provide training for volunteers; therefore, volunteering is a way of a lifelong learning. Many researches agree that volunteering leaves positive effects on the health and the mental health of a human being and strengthens brain function in which it protects him/her.
Affiliations: Mental Health Association; Anti-Poverty Forum; SCOPE (Solidarity and cooperation); Malta Health Network.
- Live-In Leaders for disadvantaged and excluded young people
- Support Learning (one-to-one): support for children to do homework
- Mentoring for young people with mental illness and mild cognitive impairment (including outing because nobody agrees to go out with them)
- Management of the Foundation's Facebook page
- Escorting people in difficulty to government departments, hospital, etc.
- Transport (a family to visit a member in a residence; removal of furniture)
- Manual labor at poor families
- Translation from Maltese to English and vice versa
- Research
- Compilation of a directory of services
- Fundraising activities (we need funds to continue to offer free professional support to vulnerable families who face a number of difficulties)
For other roles, please contact us directly, either by phoning on 2180 9011 / 2180 8981 / 2767 2367
or by sending an email to [email protected] |
Marianne – Receptionist:
"Ili ħafna snin inwettaq xogħol volontarju mal-Fondazzjoni. Il-volontarjat minn dejjem kien fil-ħajja tiegħi u nħossni li b’xi mod għandi nsib ħin biex ngħin lil ħaddieħor. Il-volontarjat huwa importanti ħafna għalija għax meta ngħin lil ħaddieħor inħossni aktar kuntenta u ferħana. Inħoss li l-volontarjat ikattar fija sens ta’ impenn, jgħallimni ma niġġudikax lil ħaddieħor, u jgħinni nkun nisranija tassew billi nagħti sehmi fis-soċjetà.
Nemmen u nara b’għajnejja kemm il-Fondazzjoni qed tagħmel ġid ma’ min hu fil-bżonn ta’ għajnuna professjonali. Min ifittex l-għajnuna jsib il-bieb miftuħ u l-ħaddiema dejjem lesti biex jisimgħu u jgħinuk b’kull mod u mill-aħjar possibbli.
Fil-bidu li sirt voluntiera mal-Fondazzjoni kont sensittiva ħafna. Kont nibki ħafna meta nara l-ħaddieħor għandu bżonn l-għajnuna imma illum sirt aktar b’saħti u aktar kapaċi noffri l-għajnuna tiegħi bla ma nitfarrak jien. Illum tgħallimt nisma’ u nżomm paċenzja anke mal-familja tiegħi u meta nħoss li hemm problema naf fejn għandi nirrikorri.
Nixtieq inħeġġeġ aktar nies biex jissieħbu magħna u nixtieq li aħna l-voluntiera niltaqgħu aktar ta’ spiss biex insiru nafu aktar lil xulxin."
Josephine – Receptionist:
"Ili s-snin voluntiera mal-Fondazzjoni. Għal xi żmien, kont nakkumpanja ners-soru fi żjajjar għand persuni li, minħabba l-mard, ma setgħux joħorġu mid-dar u għaldaqstant ħassewhom maqtugħin mid-dinja u weħedhom. Illum il-ġurnata nħoss li għandi aktar ħin nagħmel dan ix-xogħol ta’ servizz. Il-volontarjat huwa importanti fil-ħajja tiegħi. Meta nagħmel xogħol volontarju inħossni tassew kuntenta għax jien dan it-tip ta’ xogħol li qed nagħmel qatt m’għamiltu.
Meta nirrifletti dwar ix-xogħol tal-Fondazzjoni ngħid li hi għaqda li twettaq ħafna affarijiet li huma utli għall-persuni li għadhom bżonn l-għajnuna. Jien naħseb li l-volontarjat fil-Fondazzjoni hu effettiv ħafna għax il-voluntiera jagħmlu xogħol siewi ma’ min hu fil-bżonn."
Voluntieri mal-Fondazzjoni jagħmlu xogħol ta’ Reception, appoġġ fit-tagħlim għat-tfal, immaniġġjar ta’ Bazaar, żjajjar ta’ wens għand min iħossu waħdu, attivitajiet li jferrħu bħal żfin, krafts u tisjir, fundraising, xogħol ta’ handyman, u bosta rwoli oħra tant meħtieġa.