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SJAF is committed to fully implementing the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) which comes into effect on May 25, 2018.
To comply with GDPR consent requirements, we need confirmation that we have your permission to continue to store your contact information, and that you are happy to continue to receive emails from us.
If you are happy to continue to hear from us, please fill in the form below
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You can unsubscribe, change your data or have it deleted, at any time.
Thank you for your ongoing interest in SJAF activities.
Opening HoursWinter : Mondays to Thursdays 8:00am - 5.00pm;
Fridays: 8.00 to 6.30pm (18th September to 30th June) Summer: Mondays to Fridays 7.30 to 1:30 pm (1st July to 17th September) Facebook: Fondazzjoni St Jeanne Antide |
The St Jeanne Antide Foundation is a registered social purpose non-profit organisation. It is the social care services arm of the Sisters of Charity. Its overall objective is to provide professional support services to very vulnerable persons who are sliding into poverty or are socially excluded. Its main areas of family support include the following:
All Services - The Foundation's overarching objective is to provide professional support services to very vulnerable persons who are sliding into poverty and are socially excluded. All our services are offered free of charge.
Latest News -
Support Group for Caregivers of mentally ill persons SJAF latest e-magazine out now 2017 Overseas Development Assistance Project Emotional Self-Help: Comic for Children; The Welcome Method for Adults Mejju 2018 Ktejjeb Ġdid - Inħeles minn Ġewwa Ktejjeb C eBook -->. EFS-Books SJAF Books Online Order SJAF Referral Form Now available Online Make a donation & enable us to sustain our service |
Social Work - Through the Foundation’s two Family Resource Centres, Social Workers support vulnerable individuals and families to enable them to increase their ability to solve problems, build better relationships with significant others, access their rights and obtain needed resources. Social Workers advocate on behalf of service users and carry out street outreach work to identify and extend support to hard-to-reach families.
Domestic Violence - Violence in Intimate relationships generally happens when one partner has more physical, social and financial power over the other and uses that power to abuse and exert control over the victim. Isolation, low self-esteem and homelessness are some of the situations victims face when they leave. SOAR is here to support you.
Mental Health- The LWIEN Service enables family caregivers of persons suffering from mental ill health to access support that enables them to continue shouldering their caring responsibility with more competence and without breaking down themselves. Persons wanting to be free from their anger, fear or other emotional distress can access the Emotional Freedom Service.